Non Surgical Rhinoplasty

A traditional surgical nose job or rhinoplasty is a hugely desired cosmetic procedure, but many patients remain highly apprehensive of the potential complications and the risk of an unfavorable end result.

Many of Jays clients also explain that a surgical nose job is out of their financial budget.

There are numerous approaches that are used to enhance and reshape the nose, one of them is a non-surgical nose job.

The procedure is relatively painless and an extremely safe, non-invasive alternative to a conventional nose job, the treatment involves dermal filler injections to reshape the clients nose.

At Luxe Jay only uses dermal fillers that are highly reputable and renowned for nose treatments. These fillers are extremely safe, non-allergic and approved by the FDA.

This is an excellent, safe and cost effective way to change the shape of the nose without the need to go under the knife. The results are visible immediately with little recovery time and last for a period of 6-12 months.


What are the benefits of using fillers for nose enhancements?

No recovery time or side-effects

An extremely safe and affordable procedure

Clients can continue with their daily routine immediately after the procedure

Results are instant with little or no swelling

No General Anesthesia is required. This means that Jay can communicate with the client and can monitor the progress.

Any desired changes can be made on the spot. A topical anesthetic cream can be used on the area to be treated to ensure you experience no discomfort

The entire procedure takes less than half an hour

Changes made to the shape of the nose are natural in appearance

Dermal fillers are highly adaptable which means that Jay can make very minute and specific enhancements that are unfeasible using a surgical approach.

Who is this treatment suitable for?

Anyone who has:

A mild to moderate bump on the bridge of the nose

A nose that needs refinement after a surgical rhinoplasty

Noses that would like more height, definition or a nose tip

Noses where there is a split in the tip

Correct a crooked or 'hook' on the bridge of the nose

Re-balance an asymmetrical nose

A flat nasal bridge which could be corrected by a slight increase in height

Re-balance the size of the nose so that it looks more proportionate to the rest of the facial features.


What should I expect on the day?

When you arrive Jay will offer you a drink and give you some paperwork to complete. 

Jay will apply numbing cream to the area to be treated and whilst this is taking effect she will show you before and after photos of her work and look at your natural nose. 

Jay will ask you questions and let you explain what you are hoping to achieve from this treatment. 

Once the cream has worked its magic and you and Jay are certain about the treatment outcomes Jay will begin the injections. 

The treatment itself only takes 5-10 minutes so any discomfort felt will only be for a short time. 

You will see the results of the treatment immediately and will be able to carry on with the rest of your day as normal. 

Jay will discuss the aftercare instructions with you and will also give you a written aftercare sheet to take home with you. 

Jay will contact you in the week following your treatment to ensure that you are healing well and are still happy with the results