Lemon Bottle

Introducing LEMONBOTTLE: The Premium Fat Dissolving Solution

LEMONBOTTLE is a revolutionary injectable compound that sets itself apart in the Lipolysis Market. The unique formula combines powerful ingredients to destroy fat cells and promote efficient excretion from the body.

Key Benefits:

  • Fat Dissolving: LEMONBOTTLE effectively breaks down fat cells and enhances metabolism.
  • Tightening Effects: Experience improved skin firmness and reduced cellulite.
  • Unique Ingredient Blend: Our formula includes Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) for enhanced fat cell response.
  • Collagen Support: Centella Asiatica extract stimulates collagen synthesis for a youthful appearance.
  • Personalised Treatment: Target adipose tissue, localised fat, cellulite, and more.

Key Ingredients: 

Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) - Induces activation of fat metabolism
Bromelain (Pineapple) - Helps to break down fat and remove inflammation
Lecithin (Derived from vegetables) - Destroys and transports unnecessary fat cells

Important Information:

  • Hydration is crucial—drink water after the session and throughout the treatment weeks.

Achieve the Best Results:

3-5 treatments, every 7 days apart, to deliver optimal results, the best results are often seen between 21-45 days.  Costs vary based on treatment area and product amount.

Common Effects & Post-Treatment Care:

Expect temporary redness, swelling, and tenderness which can be up to 7 days post treatment, light bruising, occasionally nodules may be felt under the skin for up to 5 days where the product was placed.

Post treatment care; avoid touching the area for up to 6 hours, wash with a mild soap don't scrub the treated area, no spray tans or sunbeds for 7 days. Use arnica cream if you feel necessary for up to 7 days to help prevent and reduce bruising. Avoid blood thinners, alcohol should be avoided for 7 days, caffeine intake should be at a minimal, avoid heavy make up for 24 hours, no swimming for 3 days post treatment, it is safe to use the sauna or steam rooms, after 24 hours as sweating is encouraged, clients should also follow a low fat and low carbohydrate diet and increase water intake to at least 2 litres a day to get the best results.

Experience the transformative power of LEMONBOTTLE. Unlock your desired results today. Trust LEMONBOTTLE for effective fat dissolving.